Artwork: Clymenza by Lisa Teasley — KWELI / Truth From the Diaspora's Boldest Voices

Artwork: Clymenza by Lisa Teasley

Clymenza, Oil on Canvas, 20″ by 16″

Clymenza, Oil on Canvas, 20″ by 16″

Lisa Teasley is a Los Angeles native, artist and writer. Her solo retrospective show was at the Marie Baldwin Gallery, Spring 2019 and her first solo exhibition was at the Watts Towers Art Center curated by John Outterbridge. Group shows include L.A.’s historic Black-owned Brockman Gallery, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Women’s Building, and the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts.

Teasley is the author of the award-winning story collection Glow in the Dark and the critically acclaimed novels Dive and Heat Signature, published by Bloomsbury. She is also the writer and presenter of the BBC television documentary "High School Prom" and an editor at large for Los Angeles Review of Books. Her website is
